Bureau of Slow Endeavours (BurSE)
1. a pouch or case for some special purpose.
The Bureau of Slow Endeavours (BurSE) focuses on simple and slow ways of being with a strong dedication to walking, sustainability and making detours. On finding slow ways to get somewhere faster. On nomadic lifestyles and ways of working.
Key words are making connections, improvisation, playfulness, creating space, craftsmanship. BurSe embraces all media and ways of working and thinking that contribute to and stimulate those “methods”. BurSE likes analogue media and how they function and add meaning to and get incorporated in the digital world, BurSE likes ecology, sustainability, gardening and how they can be used in an art & city context, BurSE likes art that is used as a tool to create social change and awareness, BurSE loves things that happen in the moment and bring history and future together in an instant that can be experienced but never captured, the time-based arts like performance (dance & music), film & video and things that are ephemeral and can be felt but never touched. BurSE strongly values history, theory & philosophy and is keen on spreading knowledge and creating possibilities to learn new things. BurSE believes in sharing, in collaboration, in education, in DIY.