Exercises in Being Here, 2024
“Exercise in being here” is an installation in 3 parts that combines the past and the present, reality and imagination. It is about leaving, about what is left behind, about longing, dreaming, creating something new with what has been around for a long time, using local materials like plants and stones, stories from the local people and the history of the place; in a way mirroring what is happening in O Castro Art Village where a new story is being written, respecting the history and archeology of the village while breathing new life in it through art, attentiveness, a sharing of minds, a bringing together of people and ideas.
1. Ruin
* Carmine red plant stalks with paper boats folded out of an old account pad that was found in one of the old houses in O Castro.
* A business suit that was worn by the artist during her journey to O Castro and working process and got transformed by drawing a dry stone wall on the fabric, similar to the walls the ruined building is made from.
* A white shirt worn by the artist, dyed carmine red with pokeweed berries.
* Blue bucket with a paper boat
2. Gallery space
* Forest made out of carmine red plant stalks with paper boats folded out of an old account pad that was found in one of the old houses in O Castro, supported by stones covered with mosses and little plants.
* Drawings made with natural pokeberry ink (hierba carmín)
* Seeds laid out on paper sheets resembling a mysterious language
* Glass bottle with ink and materials used to create the installation
* Polaroid photos
3. Geodesic dome
* Video of the seeds of the erodium cicutarium, sound installation
* Lichen carpet